we are rebls.
rebls with a cause.

Our mission is to accelerate the green transition of food. That's why we've been making delicious green food-to-go since 2021. no meat. no big deal.

Stuffed loaves

pretty dang delicious sandwiches

A new generation of food.

cooked from veg proteins.

next generation food to-go. no meat. no big deal.

where can these products be found?

rebls are not known by name. rebels are known for deeds.

“nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to vegetarian diet.”

-albert Einstein

eat like you give a damn.

eat like you
give a damn.

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Would you like to work with this guy?

check out our open positions

tasty plant-based food. no big deal.

tasty plant-based food.
no big deal.

We believe that plant-based food has a key role in driving a better tomorrow for the climate and our health. Zašto je zašto je to reduce meat consumption by using our food cooking skills for making plant-based food your go-to option. Impacts without compromise.

We believe that plant-based food has a key role in driving a better tomorrow for the climate and our health. Dat is.

We believe that plant-based food has a key role in driving a better tomorrow for the climate and our health. Dat is.

eat like you give a damn.

eat like you give a damn.

Tasty and healthy plant-based foods. No big deal.

These meals are here for a reason. Så,. But beyond the obvious, they are here to break barriers and fight prejudices against plant-based food, in a way they are on a mission of normalizing vegan food. As we see it, as long as taste buds are satisfied the rest doesn't really matter. Just tasty plant-based food. No big deal. Por que? Perché è necessario.

tasty take-away selection.

in stores now

The best sandwich in town, we think.

in stores now

The best sandwich in town, we think.

in stores now

a new coffee shop selection is here!

Or not here, but available in grocery stores.

So what is this?
It's a selection of healthy, fresh and tasty grab 'n go products, such as chips, sandwiches and overnight oats. 100% plant-based. No big deal.

check out all coffee shop products

check out all coffee shop products

a new coffee shop selection is here!

Or not here, but available in grocery stores.

So what is this?
It's a selection of fresh and tasty grab 'n go products, such as chips, sandwiches and overnight oats. 100% plant-based. No big deal.

check out all coffee shop products

we are rebls. rebls with a cause.

we are rebls. rebls with a cause.

Would you like to work with this guy?

check out our open positions

just good food.

Ekste meel is made by human hands, with no preservatives, additives, or weird ingredients.


Accessible familiar recipes you love: eat more plants without giving up on our favorite dishes.

Easy access as grab & go in retail, or delivered to your door through our partners Foodora Market and Wolt Market.


For our health: Nutritiously balanced

For our planet: Eco-friendly pack made of recycled cardboard, minimizing the amount of plastic. Easy to recycle peel off format.